Exhibitions/ Sacred Traditions of the Himalayas

Sacred Traditions of the Himalayas

At The Met Fifth Avenue
December 20, 2014–June 14, 2015

Exhibition Overview

This installation features elaborate mandalas, embroidered tangkas, devotional sculpture, and jewelry for the gods. A highlight of the display will be ritual costumes used by masked dancers who reenacted divine conflicts to ensure abundance and ward off malicious forces. All the objects on display served as visually pleasing tools that allowed individuals to reach toward the elusive idea of transcendence.

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The exhibition is made possible by The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Foundation Fund.

On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in

Exhibition Objects

Stag mask, late 19th or early 20th century. Tibet. Papier-mâché, polychrome, gilding, leather, and silk. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Gift of Mrs. Edward A. Nis, 1934 (34.80.3i)